Saturday, July 27, 2013

Editing Challenge @ Everything for Photography

This is my first editing challenge, ever... So, how did I do?

This editing challenge is sponsored by Everything for Photography. Check them out on Facebook or their Blog. The winner receives a bonnet and cape set from Shauna at CupCake Cuties. I sure hope I win... :)

The image that I edited is not one of my own. The photographer is Amber Rose Photography and she is one of the administrators over at the blog. I really enjoy seeing her work, I have been following her on Facebook for quite a while now.

I don't typically take an hour to edit a photo, but I couldn't seem to get it jussst right. I did do some work on the sky in photoshop and I have LESS THAN mediocre skills in photoshop... I really need to take a course on how to use photoshop inside and out. I plan on getting a Kelby book, I just keep putting it off.

Well, take a look and let me know what you think. I love feedback! Click any of the photos for a larger image. Enjoy!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Trixx Show

I have finally gotten to post the Trixx show, I hope you enjoy it. I have been so busy lately, I haven't been able to tend to my usual LBP tasks and posts. Since I do this in my spare time and I already don't have much spare time as it is... I sometimes have to take break to catch up.

This event was a private event at Topsail Island, NC on July 4. I had my camera, taking pictures of Maci, and I decided to take some pictures of the show. I had some difficulty with lighting (stage lighting was used) and I did not use a flash; so, some of the pictures that are in color have a purplish cast from the lighting and slight grain. Shooting information is at the bottom of the post.

If you are in FL and can go to a Michael Trixx show, or if he is in your area, I highly suggest going (there is a schedule section on his website). I have never been to a live magic show and I was pretty blown away. It's a rockin' magic show. He refers to his show as ab-rock-ca-dab-rock and yes, yes it is.

Go and check him out, and give him some love on Facebook, YouTube, and his Website.

Trixx Show, on Flickr. Below is just a sample. Click on an image below to go through the album.

Shooting information: I shot in manual adjusting for the shutter. My settings were 1/500 at 2.5. I had to compensate for the lack of light: this was taken outdoors after sunset on the porch, and his "stage area" was lit with portable stage lighting (flashing). I set "Auto ISO" since the lights were flashing and I didn't want to bother with it. I also believe I used spot metering after shooting some test shots.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Landon at just over 2 months old (mid-June)

Little Boys
Little Boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy and adventurous, full of surprises.
With misshapen halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces and sweet, sticky chins.

They'll keep you so busy, and yet all the while
Nothing can brighten the world like their smile.
And no greater treasure has brought homes more joy
Than a curious, active, and lovable boy!
                   -Author Unknown

Landon, a set on Flickr.

I had the pleasure of photographing this cute little guy with the help of his big sister
(and of course Mom and Grandma helped too). He's one amazing little guy.